Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Sweden and Ecuador announced Cup squads today. But let's skip all the substance and analysis and get to the important stuff, like what slogans will be painted on the team's buses. Somehow, dammit, I missed the competition that allowed fans to choose their team's official slogan at the FIFA website. Now the final results are in, and they range from the obvious...

Australia - "Australia Socceroos – Bound for glory"

to the laughably implausible...

Saudi Arabia - "The Green Hawks cannot be stopped"

to the utterly bland...

Serbia and Montenegro - "For the love of the game"

to the very faintly praising...

Tunisia – "The Carthage Eagles... higher and stronger than ever"

to the threatening...

Costa Rica- "Our army is the team, our weapon is the ball. Let's go to Germany and give it our all"

to the nagging...

Sweden – "Fight! Show spirit! Come on! You have the support of everyone"

to the Gatorade-commerical-esque...

Togo – "A passion to win and a thirst to succeed"

to the brilliantly surreal:

Switzerland – "2006, it's Swiss o'clock" .

I encourage you, dear reader, to submit your own proposals for team slogans in the comments. Please ignore any scruples you might possess concerning issues of good taste, especially for your Serbian entry.

1 comment:

michele said...

I don't know if I can come up with anything witty... or even banal... but The Green Hawks made me giggle.