Sunday, June 17, 2007

June grooms loom

Meanwhile, back in Blighty, love is in the air for the English national team. John Terry, Michael Carrick, Gary Neville, and Steven Gerrard are all getting married this weekend. At first I thought this was a somewhat bizarre coincidence, but I guess it makes sense, inasmuch as they don't exactly have many free weekends in any other part of the year.

That's not to say that the individual weddings themselves aren't bizarre, mind you:

Today's wedding between Steven Gerrard and Alex Curran will be a three-day event featuring the three essentials for any footballer's big day: golf, fish and chips and spa treatments. Other food options include curry.

Quite. I can't decide if it would be funny-ironic or just plain unpleasant to be at a wedding where Lionel Richie sang.

Apropos of none of this nonsense, I'm travelling over the next few days, so posting will be wireless dependent.

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